☝☝Trick to Get FreeCharge Promo Codes :
- Step No. 1 : Open FreeCharge app & recharge your prepaid mobile with Rs 50 using Credit / Debit card.
- Step No. 2: Your Rs 50 recharge will be successfully done & you will get Rs 50 discount code on the recharged number.
- Step No. 3 : Now it's the trick time. Follow it carefully. Now again go for a recharge for Rs 50 On the next page, select any Re 1 coupon from Coupon Page & make your payable amount Rs 51
- Step No. 4 : Proceed to next & apply your Rs 50 discount promo code (got from previous transaction)
- Step No. 5 : Now your payable amount will be Re 1 only Pay the amount through using same credit / debit card.
- Step No. 6 : Your recharge will be done & you will get FreeCharge FreeFund Code worth Rs 50 Just repeat the procedures (Step No. 3 to 8 ) again & again for next all the recharges ( up to 5 times ) In this way, you can get Rs 300+ talktime just spending Rs 54 only.
Note: use new number to recharge everytime