That is what eats up most of your time!! Specially if you are working on a system all day (Software Engineer for example)..
Ways to type fast:
- Install "Type fu" extension in to your chrome browser.
- Open Chrome browser >> apps >> store >> search for "Type fu" >> include it!!
- Practice 10 minutes a day
- Stop looking at key board all the time.
Type Fu is the tool that teaches you to type in much easier way and you wont get bored of learning typing in chrome as you can pause your course and switch the tabs and enjoy surfing also here's the link to get that app for free try is its more fun than just learning to type open the link in chrome only for obvious reasons GET TYPE FU FOR CHROME
☆☆☆ FEATURES ☆☆☆
★ On-screen keyboard and fingers
★ Audio notifications
★ Speed, accuracy and time meters
★ Stats tracking with pretty charts
★ Auto-adjusted difficulty level
★ Error highlighting
★ Error correction with backspace key
★ Retina display support
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