Sunday, 23 November 2014

Stop those annoying #FaceBook AutoPlay Videos !!!

Do you know Auto-Play Videos are eating upto 60% of your data       

Please Facebook, disable this ridiculous feature, how on earth anybody could have such an idea, any way found an option to disable it.

Disable Autoplay Videos on Facebook App:

Step 1. Open the Facebook Android app and open the Settings menu.  
Step 2. Scroll down to the Help & Settings section and choose the top entry: App Settings.
Step 3. Under General settings look for and select Video Auto-play.
Step 4. Video Auto-play offers three options: On, Wi-fi only and off. Choose Off if you don't want video to ever autoplay on Facebook; choose Wi-fi only if you don't like video autoplaying because you're worried about going over your tariff's data allowance.

Disable Autoplay Videos on Web Version:

Step 1. Open the Facebook and open the Settings menu.
Step 2. Click on Video.
Step 3. Choose Off if you don't want video to ever autoplay on Facebook.

Note:  first time when this option was introduced i disabled that, but now they takeoff the menu and enabled the auto play by default.
